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Meaning: To remind someone how to write something in English.


Pronunciation: /rɪˈmaɪnd ˈɪŋglɪʃ haʊ tu raɪt/

Usage: This phrase is used when someone needs help or a reminder on how to write something in English, whether it be a word or a sentence.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you please remind me how to write "cat" in English?


2. I always forget how to spell "restaurant" correctly, can you remind me?


3. My teacher reminded me of the correct way to write a formal letter in English.


4. I need someone to remind me how to write this sentence in English.


5. She reminded her students of the importance of proper grammar when writing in English.


Synonyms and Usage:

- Instruct (v): To give someone information about how to do something; similar in meaning to "remind".

Example: The teacher instructed her students on how to properly structure an essay in English.


- Prompt (v): To remind or encourage someone to do something; similar in meaning to "remind".

Example: He prompted his friend with the correct spelling of the word in English.


- Refresh (v): To remind someone of something they have already learned; similar in meaning to "remind".

Example: The workshop was designed to refresh participants on how to write emails in English.


Editor's Note: When using the phrase "remind someone how to write" it is important to be patient and understanding. Learning a new language can be challenging and it is important to provide support and guidance rather than criticism.


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