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1. Time (n.) /taɪm/

Meaning: A measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.

Usage: Time is often used to refer to a specific moment or duration of an event.


Example Sentence: I don't have time to finish this project before the deadline.

2. Chronology (n.) /krəˈnɒlədʒi/

Meaning: The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.

Usage: Chronology is often used in history and literature to organize events in a chronological order.

Example Sentence: The timeline shows the chronology of important events that led to the war.

3. Duration (n.) /djuˈreɪʃən/

Meaning: The length of time that something continues or lasts.

Usage: Duration is often used to describe how long something lasts.

Example Sentence: The duration of the flight was 6 hours.

4. Interval (n.) /ˈɪntəv(ə)l/

Meaning: A period between two events or times.

Usage: Interval is often used in music and sports to refer to a break between two parts.

Example Sentence: We took a short interval during the concert.

5. Era (n.) /ˈɪrə/

Meaning: A period of time marked by significant events, characteristics, or developments.

Usage: Era is often used in history and science to refer to a distinct period of time.

Example Sentence: The Industrial Revolution was an era of major changes in manufacturing and transportation.


1. Time - Duration, Period, Moment

2. Chronology - Timeline, Sequence, Order

3. Duration - Length, Span, Term

4. Interval - Break, Pause, Intermission

5. Era - Age, Epoch, Period




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