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按下按钮 开关 按键的英文翻译

Press Button, Switch, or Key English Translation

Pronunciation: [pres buh-tuhn, swich, or kee ing-glish tranz-ley-shuhn]

按下按钮 开关 按键的英文翻译


The phrase "press button, switch, or key" is used to describe the action of pushing a physical object in order to activate a function or control a device. It is commonly used in the context of technology and electronics.

Example Sentences:

1. Please press the button to turn on the TV.


2. The switch for the lights is located near the door.


3. Use your key to unlock the door.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Press: This verb can refer to any type of physical pressure applied to an object in order to activate it, such as pushing, squeezing, or pressing down.

2. Button: A small round or square object that can be pushed in order to activate a function or control a device.

3. Switch: A mechanical device used to turn something on or off by making or breaking an electrical connection.

4. Key: A small metal object with notches that is used to open locks.

Editor's Summary:

The English translation for "按下按钮 开关 按键" can vary depending on the context and specific usage. However, it generally refers to the action of pushing a physical object in order to activate a function or control a device. This phrase is commonly used in technology and electronics and can be translated as "press button," "switch," or "key." It is important for translators to consider the appropriate context when choosing the most accurate translation for this phrase.


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