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Meaning: To accuse someone of a crime or wrongdoing.

Pronunciation: /ɪnˈdɪkt/

Usage: This word is often used in legal contexts to describe the act of formally charging someone with a crime.


Example Sentences:

1. The prosecutor plans to indict the suspect on multiple counts of fraud.


2. The company was indicted for violating environmental regulations.


3. He was indicted by a grand jury for his involvement in the embezzlement scheme.


4. The politician was indicted on charges of corruption and bribery.


5. The court decided to indict the suspect based on the evidence presented by the prosecution.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Accuse - This word has a similar meaning but can be used in a broader context, not just in legal situations.

2. Charge - This word is also commonly used in legal contexts to describe formal accusations against someone.

3. Sue - This word is often used when someone brings a civil lawsuit against another person or entity, rather than criminal charges.

4. Implicate - This word means to show that someone may have been involved in a crime or wrongdoing, but does not necessarily mean they will be charged with it.

Editor's Summary:

Indict is a word that is commonly used in legal contexts to describe the formal accusation of someone for a crime or wrongdoing. It is important to note that being indicted does not necessarily mean someone is guilty, as they still have the opportunity to defend themselves in court. This word should be used carefully and accurately, as it carries a serious connotation. Synonyms such as accuse, charge, sue, and implicate can be used in different contexts but have similar meanings.


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