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Meaning: How to say in English


Pronunciation: [ˈɪg.lɪʃ]

Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to know the English equivalent of a word or phrase in another language.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you tell me how to say "thank you" in English? (你能告诉我怎么用英语说“谢谢”吗?)

2. I don't know how to say "goodbye" in English. (我不知道怎么用英语说“再见”。)

3. She asked me how to say "I love you" in English. (她问我怎么用英语说“我爱你”。)

4. He used a translation app to find out how to say the word in English. (他用翻译软件找出了这个词的英文含义。)

5. The teacher wrote down the correct pronunciation for the students who were learning how to say their names in English. (老师为学习怎么用英语说自己名字的学生写下了正确的发音。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. How do you say - This phrase can also be used as an alternative for "how to say".

Example: How do you say "hello" in French? (你怎么用法语说“你好”?)

2. What's the word for - This phrase is used when someone wants to know the specific word for something.

Example: What's the word for "table" in Spanish? (西班牙语里“桌子”的单词是什么?)

3. Translate - This verb means to express something in a different language.

Example: Can you translate this sentence into English? (你能把这句话翻译成英语吗?)

Editor's Note:

Knowing how to say something in English is an essential skill for anyone learning the language. It allows for effective communication and expands one's vocabulary. The phrases "how to say" and "what's the word for" are commonly used when seeking the English equivalent of a word or phrase in another language. Additionally, using translation apps or asking a native speaker are other ways to find out how to say something in English.


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