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How to say in English







Example sentences 1-5 with Chinese and English translation

1. 拼接用英语怎么说的意思是“how to say in English”,读作/hau tu seɪ ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/。这个短语常用于询问如何用英语表达某个词或句子。

The meaning of how to say in English is "how to express in English", pronounced /hau tu seɪ ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/. This phrase is commonly used to inquire about how to say a word or sentence in English.

2. 怎么读的同义词是“how to pronounce”,读作/hau tu prəˈnaʊns/。这个短语通常用于询问某个词的正确发音。

A synonym for pronunciation is "how to pronounce", pronounced /hau tu prəˈnaʊns/. This phrase is often used to ask about the correct pronunciation of a word.

3. 用法的英文表达是“usage”,读作/ˈjuːsɪdʒ/。这个词可以指某个词或短语的正确用法,也可以指某种工具或设备的使用方法。

The English expression for usage is "usage", pronounced /ˈjuːsɪdʒ/. This word can refer to the correct usage of a word or phrase, as well as the way in which a tool or device is used.

4. 例句是“example sentence”的缩写,读作/ɪɡˈzæmpl̩ ˈsentəns/。它指的是用来说明某个词或短语用法的句子。

Example is short for "example sentence", pronounced /ɪɡˈzæmpl̩ ˈsentəns/. It refers to a sentence used to illustrate the usage of a word or phrase.

5. 总结的英文表达是“summary”,读作/ˈsʌməri/。它可以指对某个主题或内容的概括性总结。

The English expression for 总结 is "summary", pronounced /ˈsʌməri/. It can refer to a brief summary of a ic or content.


Synonyms and usage

1. 怎么说 - 可以用来询问如何表达某个词或句子,也可以指询问如何解释或说明某件事情。

How to say - Can be used to ask about how to express a word or sentence, as well as how to explain or describe something.

2. 如何发音 - 可以用来询问某个词的正确发音,也可以指学习如何正确地发音。

How to pronounce - Can be used to ask about the correct pronunciation of a word, as well as learning how to pronounce correctly.

3. 用途 - 可以指某物的用途、功能或目的,也可以指某种活动的目的或意义。

Usage - Can refer to the purpose, function, or aim of something, as well as the purpose or significance of an activity.

4. 范例 - 可以指某个事物的典型、典范或样式,也可以指某个行为或做法的榜样。

Example - Can refer to the typical, model, or pattern of something, as well as a model for behavior or practice.

5. 总结 - 可以指对某个主题或内容的概括性总结,也可以指对已经发生的事情进行总结和归纳。

Summary - Can refer to a brief summary of a ic or content, as well as summarizing and summarizing events that have already occurred.


Editor's summary



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