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1. 拔十失五是一种教训,意为在做事情时,只顾着急于求成而忽略细节,最终导致损失更大的结果。


2. 发音:bá shí shī wǔ (bá:第一声,shí:第四声,shī:第一声,wǔ:第三声)

3. 用法:用于提醒人们不要只看重眼前利益而忽略了长远规划和细节问题。

4. 例句:


He always rushes to finish the project and neglects the details, which leads to the failure of completing the task on time.


The approach of rushing for quick results often brings greater risks and losses.


His experience of failure has made him realize the harm of rushing for quick results and neglecting details.


If we don't want to rush for quick results and neglect details, we should carefully analyze each step and make adequate preparations.


Rushing for quick results and neglecting details is a common error mindset that should be avoided in work.

5. 同义词及用法:拔九失四、急于求成、鲁莽行事。

6. 编辑总结:拔十失五是一种不负责任的做事方式,它可能会带来更大的风险和损失。在工作和生活中,我们应该保持冷静和耐心,认真对待每个环节,并做好充分的准备,这样才能取得更好的结果。


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