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1. 拉拉队的英文意思:cheerleading team

2. 怎么读(音标):/ˈtʃɪərlidɪŋ tiːm/


3. 用法:指由一群人组成的为运动队或团体加油助威、表演各种舞蹈和杂技的团队。通常出现在美式足球、篮球、棒球等比赛中,也可在其他活动或表演中见到。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. The cheerleading team performed an amazing routine during the halftime show.


2. She has been a member of the cheerleading team since high school.


3. The cheerleading team cheered on their school's football team during the game.


4. The cheerleading team won first place in the national competition.


5. The cheerleading team practices for hours every day to perfect their routines.


5. 同义词及用法:

1. Cheer squad: 拉拉队的另一种说法,意思相同。

2. Pep squad: 指为学校或团体加油助威的团队,也可以指拉拉队。

3. Spirit squad: 指为提升比赛气氛和而表演的团队,也可以指拉拉队。

6. 编辑总结:拉拉队是一种为运动队或团体加油助威、表演舞蹈和杂技的团队。在美式足球、篮球、棒球等比赛中经常出现,也可在其他活动或表演中见到。除了cheerleading team外,还有cheer squad、pep squad和spirit squad等同义词。


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