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Word: Ambiguous


Pronunciation: /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/


1. Having more than one possible meaning or interpretation; unclear or uncertain.

2. Open to multiple interpretations; able to be understood in different ways.


Ambiguous is an adjective used to describe something that has more than one possible meaning or interpretation. It can refer to something that is unclear, uncertain, or open to multiple interpretations.

Example Sentences:

1. The instructions for the assignment were ambiguous, leaving many students confused about what was expected of them.


2. The politician's speech was deliberately ambiguous, allowing him to appeal to both sides of the issue.


3. The ending of the movie was intentionally ambiguous, leaving the audience to interpret it in their own way.


4. The wording of the contract was purposely ambiguous, making it difficult for either party to hold the other accountable.


5. His response was so ambiguous that I couldn't tell if he agreed with me or not.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Vague - having an unclear or uncertain meaning; not clearly expressed or defined.


2. Unclear - not easy to understand; ambiguous or vague.


3. Cryptic - having a hidden meaning; mysterious or obscure.


4. Enigmatic - difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious or puzzling.


5. Dubious - doubtful, uncertain, or questionable; open to suspicion.


Editor's Summary:

Ambiguous is a useful word for describing something that is unclear, uncertain, or has multiple interpretations. It can be used in various contexts, such as instructions, speeches, endings of movies, contracts, and responses. Synonyms for ambiguous include vague, unclear, cryptic, enigmatic, and dubious. As an editor and translator for a dictionary, it is important to provide clear and accurate definitions for words like ambiguous to help readers fully understand their meanings and usage in the English language.


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