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The meaning of "手续用英语怎么说" is "how to say '手续' in English".



Pronunciation: shǒu xù yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō



1. Procedure

Example: The procedure for applying for a visa can be quite complicated. (申请签证的流程可能会很复杂。)

2. Formalities

Example: The company has completed all the necessary formalities for the merger. (公司已经完成了合并所需的所有手续。)

3. Process

Example: It is important to follow the correct process when filing a complaint. (提交投诉时遵循正确的流程很重要。)

4. Steps

Example: We need to go through several steps before we can finalize the contract. (在最终敲定合同之前,我们需要经历几个步骤。)

5. Red tape

Example: The government is trying to reduce red tape and make it easier for businesses to operate. (正在努力减少繁文缛节,让企业更容易运作。)


1. 为了办理出国手续,你需要提供有效的和签证。

In order to go through the procedures for going abroad, you need to provide a valid passport and visa.

2. 我们必须先完成所有的手续,才能开始施工。

We have to complete all the formalities before we can start construction.

3. 在领取驾驶执照前,你需要通过一系列的考试和培训手续。

Before obtaining a driver's license, you need to go through a series of exams and training procedures.

4. 申请办理退休金手续时,请务必携带所有必需的文件。

When applying for retirement benefits, please make sure to bring all the necessary documents.

5. 她花了很长时间才搞清楚怎么填写那份复杂的文件手续。

It took her a long time to figure out how to fill out that complicated paperwork.


1. Formality (n.) 正式程序,礼节

Example: The meeting was just a formality; the decision had already been made. (这次只是一个形式,决定已经做出。)

2. Protocol (n.) 礼仪,规矩

Example: The protocol for greeting foreign guests is different from that for domestic guests. (迎接外宾的礼仪与接待国内客人的不同。)

3. Red tape (n.) 繁文缛节

Example: It takes a lot of red tape to start a business in this country. (在这个创业需要经历很多繁文缛节。)

4. Formalities (n.) 手续,手续费

Example: The company will cover all the formalities and fees for the employees' work permits. (公司将为员工的工作许可证支付所有的手续和费用。)

5. Procedure (n.) 程序,步骤

Example: The procedure for obtaining a marriage license varies from state to state. (不同州的结婚许可证申请程序有所不同。)


在英语中,"手续"一词可以用多种表达来表示,具体取决于上下文和具体情况。常见的表达包括procedure, formalities, process, steps等。此外,还可以使用同义词如formality, protocol, red tape等来表示相同的意思。因此,在翻译时需要根据具体情况选择最合适的表达方式,以确保准确地传达"手续"这一概念。


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