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1. Meaning: a language that originated in England and is now widely spoken and written throughout the world.


Pronunciation: /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

Usage: English is the official language of many countries, including the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It is also one of the most commonly used languages in international communication.

Example 1: She speaks fluent English as it is her first language.


Example 2: He is currently learning English to improve his job prospects.


Example 3: The conference will be conducted in both Chinese and English for the convenience of all participants.


Example 4: I have been studying English for five years now and I can confidently communicate with native speakers.


Example 5: The majority of scientific research papers are published in English, making it an important language for academic purposes.


Synonyms and Usage:

- British English/British English (refers to the variety of English spoken in the UK)

- American English/American English (refers to the variety of English spoken in the US)

- Australian English/Australian English (refers to the variety of English spoken in Australia)

- Canadian English/Canadian English (refers to the variety of English spoken in Canada)

- New Zealand English/New Zealand English (refers to the variety of English spoken in New Zealand)

- Standard English/Standard English (refers to the form of English considered acceptable for formal situations)

- Business English/Business English (refers to the specialized vocabulary and phrases used in business settings)

Editor's Summary:

English is a widely spoken language that has become the primary means of communication in many countries. It is an important language for academic, professional, and social purposes. There are also variations of English that are specific to certain regions, such as British, American, Australian, Canadian, and New Zealand English. Learning English can open up many opportunities for individuals in today's globalized world.


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