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Welcome to our company! This phrase is a warm and friendly greeting that expresses the excitement and enthusiasm of all our employees towards your arrival.

How to pronounce: /welˈkəm tu ˈaʊər ˈkʌmpəni/


Usage: This phrase is commonly used as a greeting to welcome someone to a company or organization.

Example sentences:

1. Our CEO gave a speech at the annual meeting, saying "We are delighted to have you join our team. Welcome to our company!"

2. As soon as I walked into the office, I was greeted with a warm "Welcome to our company!" from my new colleagues.

3. The HR manager sent an email to all employees, announcing the arrival of a new team member and asking everyone to give them a warm welcome.

4. When I arrived at the conference, I was pleasantly surprised by the sign that read "Welcome to our company" with my name on it.

5. The tour guide greeted us with a smile and said "Welcome to our company" before showing us around the factory.

Synonyms and usage:

1. Greetings - This is another way of expressing welcome or salutation, often used in formal or professional settings.

2. Reception - This word can be used as both a noun and verb, meaning welcoming someone or being welcomed.

3. Embrace - To embrace someone means to accept them warmly and enthusiastically, often used in personal relationships.

4. Receive - This word can also be used as both a noun and verb, meaning welcoming someone or being welcomed in a formal manner.

5. Invite - To invite someone means to welcome them into an event or gathering.

Editor's summary:

This phrase is commonly used in business settings as a polite way of welcoming someone new into the company or organization. It conveys warmth, friendliness, and enthusiasm towards the person's arrival. Other similar words can also be used to express the same sentiment.


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