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1. 成量股份 (chéng liàng gǔ fèn)


Meaning: Shares of a company that have reached a certain amount or level of quantity.

Usage: Used to describe the stock of a company that has reached a certain volume or level.

Example Sentence:

Chinese: 成量股份是指公司股票达到一定数量或水平的股份。

English: Chengliang Gu Fen refers to shares of a company that have reached a certain amount or level.

Synonyms and Usage:

- 成量股 (chéng liàng gǔ): Another way to refer to shares that have reached a certain volume or level.

- 股份 (gǔ fèn): Can also be used on its own to refer to shares of a company.

Editor's Summary:

成量股份 is used in the context of stocks and refers to shares that have reached a certain quantity or level. It is often used in financial discussions and reports.


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