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1. heap是什么意思?heap的用法和例句有哪些?


- There was a heap of dirty clothes on the floor. (地板上堆满了脏衣服。)

- The children made a heap of sand in the playground. (孩子们在操场上堆了一大堆沙子。)

2. heap是什么意思?heap的用法和例句有哪些?读音读法

heap的读音为 [hiːp],发音时舌头要抬高,嘴唇微微张开,舌尖轻触上颚,发出长音i的音素。可以参考以下例句:

- She heaped praise on her son for his excellent performance in school. (她对儿子在学校表现优异给予了赞扬。)

- The farmer used a pitchfork to heap the hay onto the cart. (农民用叉子将干草堆到马车上。)

3. heap是什么意思?heap的用法和例句有哪些?的用例

1) Heap up 堆积;积累

- The leaves were heaped up in a corner of the garden. (树叶被堆积在花园的一个角落。)

- The company heaped up a large amount of debt due to its reckless spending. (由于铺张浪费,公司积累了大量的债务。)

2) Heap praise on 给予赞扬;称赞

- The teacher heaped praise on the students for their hard work. (老师对学生们的努力给予了高度赞扬。)

- The newspaper heaped praise on the new mayor for his effective management. (报纸对新的有效管理给予了高度赞扬。)

3) Heap scorn on 嘲笑;嘲弄

- The critics heaped scorn on the movie for its poor acting and weak plot. (评论家们对这部电影的演技差和剧情薄弱进行了嘲笑。)

- She felt hurt when her colleagues heaped scorn on her idea during the meeting. (当同事们在上嘲笑她的想法时,她感到受伤。)

4) Heap together 聚集在一起;堆放在一起

- The children heaped together to take a group photo. (孩子们聚集在一起拍照。)

- She heaped all her clothes together in a suitcase before leaving for vacation. (她把所有衣服都堆放在一个行李箱里,在出发度假之前。)

5) Heap abuse on 辱骂;谩骂

- The players were heaping abuse on the referee for his unfair decision. (运动员们对裁判的不公正决定进行了谩骂。)

- The politician was heaped with abuse by the media for his corrupt practices. (这位家因为行为遭到媒体的谩骂。)

4. heap是什么意思?heap的用法和例句有哪些?组词

- heapful (名词) 一堆;一大量

- heaping (形容词) 大量的;堆积的

- heaper (名词) 堆放者;堆积者

- unheap (动词) 清除;清理堆积物

5. heap是什么意思?heap的用法和例句有哪些?的中英文对照

| 中文 | 英文 |

| ---- | ---- |

| 堆、堆积、堆状物 | heap |

| 一堆东西 | a heap of things |

| 大量的东西聚集在一起 | a heap of things gathered together |

| 堆满了脏衣服 | a heap of dirty clothes |

| 在操场上堆了一大堆沙子 | made a heap of sand in the playground |



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