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Meaning: the meaning of a word or phrase in English.

Pronunciation: /ˈmiːnɪŋ/


Usage: Meaning is the essence or significance of a word or phrase. It refers to the ideas, concepts, and emotions associated with a particular word or phrase.

Example 1: The meaning of "love" is a deep affection or strong feeling of attachment towards someone or something. (爱的意思是对某人或某物深厚的情感或强烈的依恋。)

Example 2: The word "success" has different meanings for different people. (成功这个词对不同的人有不同的意义。)

Example 3: The meaning behind her words was unclear, leaving everyone confused. (她话里的含义不明确,让大家都感到困惑。)

Example 4: The true meaning of life is subjective and varies from person to person. (生命的真正意义是主观的,因人而异。)

Example 5: He struggled to find the right words to convey the meaning of his poem in English. (他苦苦挣扎着找到合适的词语来表达他诗歌中的含义英语中。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Definition - a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase.

2. Significance - the importance or meaning attached to something.

3. Interpretation - an explanation or understanding of the meaning of something.

4. Connotation - an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning.

5. Sense - the way in which a word is used to convey a specific meaning.

Editor's summary: Understanding the meaning of words and phrases is crucial for effective communication. It is important to consider the context and connotations of a word to fully grasp its meaning. The same word can have different meanings for different people, making it essential to clarify the intended meaning in conversations.


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