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1. 惊人的英文的意思:astonishing English

2. 怎么读(音标):[əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ ˈɪŋglɪʃ]

3. 用法:形容词,用于描述令人惊讶、震惊或令人难以置信的英文。


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

- His English proficiency is astonishing. (他的英语水平令人惊讶。)

- The beauty of this poem is astonishingly expressed in English. (这首诗的美感在英语中令人惊叹地表达出来。)

- The speed at which he learned English was astonishing. (他学习英语的速度令人惊讶。)

- The results of the study were astonishing, especially in terms of the use of English language. (研究结果令人惊讶,尤其是在使用英语方面。)

- It's astonishing how well she speaks English after only a year of learning it. (仅学习了一年,她说英语说得多么流利,真是令人惊讶。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- amazing: 用于形容令人惊奇、惊叹或感到不可思议的事物。

- Her amazing talent for languages has always impressed me.


- astonishing: 用于形容令人惊讶、震惊或难以置信的事物。

- The astonishing news spread quickly throughout the town.


- incredible: 用于形容令人难以置信或不可思议的事物。

- The incredible speed at which he runs never fails to amaze me.


6. 编辑总结:惊人的英文是一个形容词,用来描述令人惊讶、震惊或难以置信的英文。它可以用来形容某个人的语言能力、某个作品在英语中表达的美感,或者某个人学习英语的速度等。同义词有amazing、astonishing和incredible,它们都可以用来形容令人感到不可思议或难以置信的事物。使用时需要注意上下文,选择最合适的词来表达所要表达的意思。


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