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Meaning: In the eyes of a lover, even an ordinary person can appear as beautiful as Xi Shi.


Pronunciation: [qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shī] (IPA: /tʃiŋ ˈrən ˈjɛn li tʃu ʃi ʃi/)

Usage: This phrase is often used to describe how love can make someone see their partner in a different light, making them appear more attractive and desirable.

Example Sentences:

1. In my eyes, she's like Xi Shi - the most beautiful woman in the world. (在我眼里,她就像西施一样,是世界上最美的女人。)

2. He may not be conventionally handsome, but in her eyes, he's her own version of Xi Shi. (他可能不是传统意义上的帅哥,但在她的眼里,他就是她心中的西施。)

3. Love truly is blind - it makes even the plainest person look like Xi Shi to their partner. (爱情真的是盲目的,它让最平凡的人在伴侣眼里变得像西施一样美丽。)

4. She was just an average girl until she met him - now she's his Xi Shi, and he can't take his eyes off her. (她只是一个普通女孩,直到遇见他后,她成为了他心中的西施,他无法从她身上移开目光。)

5. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and for him, she's his Xi Shi - the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. (人们常说美在观者眼中,对他来说,她就是他心中的西施,是他见过最美的女人。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: Similar to "情人眼里出西施", this phrase means that beauty is subjective and can vary from person to person.

2. Love goggles: This term is used to describe how love can make someone see their partner in a more positive light, even if others may not find them attractive.

3. Rose-colored glasses: Used to describe how love can make someone see everything in a more positive light, including their partner's appearance.

4. Beauty is only skin deep: This phrase means that true beauty comes from within and cannot be judged solely based on outward appearance.

5. Prince/Princess charming: These terms refer to someone who may not be conventionally attractive, but has other qualities that make them irresistible and desirable.

Editor's Summary:

"情人眼里出西施" is a popular phrase used to describe how love can make someone see their partner as extremely beautiful or attractive, even if they may not be conventionally so. It emphasizes the power of love to change one's perception and elevate their partner's appearance in their eyes. This phrase is often used in romantic contexts or as a compliment to express the depth of one's love for their partner. It can also be used humorously or ironically to tease someone about being blinded by love.


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