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1. helmsman是什么意思,helmsman的发音和读法的解释


2. helmsman是什么意思,helmsman的发音和读法读音读法

Helmsman [ˈhelmzmən],其中“helms”发音为[helmz],“man”发音为[mən]。这个词的读音比较简单,没有特别难以掌握的地方。

3. helmsman是什么意思,helmsman的发音和读法的用例

例句1:The helmsman skillfully navigated the ship through the stormy sea.


例句2:The helmsman's steady hands kept the ship on course.


例句3:The captain appointed a new helmsman to take over the navigation duties.


例句4:As a seasoned helmsman, he was able to maneuver the ship in tight spaces.


例句5:The helmsman's quick reflexes prevented the ship from colliding with the rocks.


4. helmsman是什么意思,helmsman的发音和读法组词

- helmsman's wheel 舵轮

- chief helmsman 首席舵手

- experienced helmsman 经验丰富的舵手

- skilled helmsman 技术娴熟的舵手

- trusted helmsman 受信任的舵手

5. helmsman是什么意思,helmsman的发音和读法的中英文对照

Helmsman: 船长,驾驶员


例句:The ship's helmsman skillfully navigated through the rough waters.




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