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1. 急缺人才的英文意思:Urgently Needed Talent


2. 怎么读(音标):/ˈərdʒəntli ˈnidɪd ˈtælənt/

3. 用法:Urgently Needed Talent是一个名词短语,表示迫切需要的人才或者紧缺的人才。可以用来形容某个行业、企业或者对特定领域人才的急需程度。

4. 例句:

1. The technology industry is facing a shortage of urgently needed talent.


2. The company is actively recruiting urgently needed talent to fill the gap in their workforce.


3. Many countries have implemented policies to attract urgently needed talent from overseas.


4. The education sector is struggling to produce enough urgently needed talent to meet the demands of the job market.


5. With the rapid development of new technologies, there is an urgent need for talented individuals who can keep up with the pace.


5. 同义词及用法:

1. Desperately Needed Talent:表示迫切需要的人才,强调迫切性和紧迫性。

2. Critical Skills Shortage:表示关键技能短缺,通常用来形容某个行业或者对特定技能的急需。

3. Urgent Manpower Needs:表示紧急需要人力资源,通常用来形容企业或者组织对员工的急需。

4. Acute Talent Shortage:表示严重的人才短缺,强调短缺程度。

6. 编辑总结:Urgently Needed Talent是一个常用于商业、和社会领域的词汇,它反映了当前社会对高素质、多元化和具有特定技能的人才的巨大需求。随着科技进步和全球化发展,这种需求将会越来越迫切。因此,我们应该重视教育培养、职业规划以及吸引海外人才等方面的工作,以满足急缺人才带来的挑战。


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