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Yiyi is a Chinese name which means "happy" or "joyful". It can also be translated as "cheerful" or "delightful".


Yiyi is pronounced as /jiːjiː/ in English.


"Yiyi" can be used as both a given name and a nickname. It is commonly used for girls in China and other Asian countries. It can also be used as a term of endearment for someone who brings joy and happiness to others.


1. 我的女儿叫怡怡,她是我们家最快乐的孩子。

My daughter's name is Yiyi, she is the happiest child in our family.

2. 怡怡今天生日,我们要给她一个惊喜。

It's Yiyi's birthday today, we want to give her a surprise.

3. 她的笑容总是那么灿烂,真是个名副其实的“怡怡”。

Her smile is always so bright, she truly lives up to her name "Yiyi".

4. 我和我的闺蜜都有一个“怡怡”的昵称。

My best friend and I both have the nickname "Yiyi".

5. 她每天都给我带来无穷的欢乐,我真的很感激有这样一个“怡怡”在我的生活中。

She brings me endless joy every day, I am truly grateful to have a "Yiyi" in my life.


1. 快乐的 (kuài lè de) - happy

2. 欢乐的 (huān lè de) - joyful

3. 开心的 (kāi xīn de) - cheerful

4. 高兴的 (gāo xìng de) - delighted

5. 可爱的 (kě ài de) - lovely


"Yiyi" is a popular Chinese name for girls, which means "happy" or "joyful". It can also be used as a term of endearment for someone who brings happiness and joy to others. This name is often associated with positive and cheerful personalities, making it a great choice for parents who want to give their child a name that reflects their happy nature.


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