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The meaning of "心想事成" in English is "to achieve one's wishes or aspirations".


/xīn xiǎng shì chéng/


"心想事成" is a commonly used phrase in Chinese, often used to express one's hopes and desires for success or good fortune. It can also be used as a blessing or well-wish for others.


1. 我希望你能心想事成,实现自己的梦想。

I hope you can achieve your dreams and make your wishes come true.

2. 她每天都在祈祷,希望能心想事成。

She prays every day, hoping that her wishes will come true.

3. 他的毕业典礼上,父母对他说:“我们希望你能心想事成,追求自己的幸福。”

At his graduation ceremony, his parents said to him, "We hope you can achieve your wishes and pursue your happiness."

4. 我们都知道成功不是一蹴而就的,但是只要我们坚持不懈,最终会心想事成。

We all know that success doesn't happen overnight, but as long as we persist, we will eventually achieve our wishes.

5. 他们用手牵手,在海边欣赏日落,许下彼此的愿望,希望能心想事成。

They held hands and watched the sunset at the beach, making wishes to each other, hoping that their wishes would come true.


1. 愿望成真 (yuàn wàng chéng zhēn) - to make wishes come true

2. 如愿以偿 (rú yuàn yǐ chéng) - to fulfill one's wishes

3. 心想事成 (xīn xiǎng shì chéng) - to achieve one's wishes or aspirations

4. 梦想成真 (mèng xiǎng chéng zhēn) - to make dreams come true

5. 希望实现 (xī wàng shí xiàn) - to hope for realization


"心想事成" is a powerful and optimistic phrase that embodies the Chinese belief in determination and perseverance leading to success. It encourages people to never give up on their dreams and always strive towards achieving their goals. This phrase can be used in various contexts, from personal aspirations to well-wishes for others. Its positive connotation makes it a popular expression in Chinese culture and a great reminder for everyone to keep pursuing their dreams.


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