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1. 彩霞 (kǎi xiá):指在日落或日出时,天空出现的多彩的云雾,由于太阳光在水滴和空气中的折射而产生。

Rainbow refers to the colorful clouds that appear in the sky during sunrise or sunset, caused by the refraction of sunlight in water droplets and air.

例句:The sky was filled with a beautiful rainbow after the rain sped.(雨过后,天空出现了一道美丽的彩虹。)

2. 彩虹 (cǎi hóng):指由红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫七种颜色组成的弧形色带,通常出现在雨后或喷水器喷水时。

Rainbow refers to an arc-shaped band of seven colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, usually seen after rain or when water is sprayed.

例句:The children were excited to see a rainbow in the sky and ran outside to take a closer look.(孩子们看到天上有彩虹,兴奋地跑到外面仔细观察。)

3. 色彩缤纷 (sè cǎi bīn fēn):指颜色多样且鲜艳的景象。

Rainbow can also refer to a colorful and vibrant scene.

例句:The garden was filled with beautiful flowers, making it look like a rainbow.(花园里开满了美丽的花朵,宛如一道彩虹。)

4. 彩虹色 (cǎi hóng sè):指彩虹中出现的七种颜色,也可用来形容颜色鲜艳多彩的事物。

Rainbow can also refer to the seven colors that appear in a rainbow, or be used to describe something that is colorful and vibrant.

例句:Her dress was a beautiful rainbow of colors.(她的裙子是一道美丽的彩虹色。)

5. 色彩斑斓 (sè cǎi bān lán):指颜色多样而绚丽。

Rainbow can also mean diverse and colorful.

例句:The city is a rainbow of cultures, with people from different backgrounds living together harmoniously.(这座城市是文化的大熔炉,不同背景的人和谐地生活在一起。)


1. Spectrum (ˈspɛktrəm):指由红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫等各种颜色组成的范围。

Spectrum refers to a range of colors including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

例句:The spectrum of light can be seen through a prism.(光谱可以通过棱镜看到。)

2. Colorful (ˈkʌlərfəl):指颜色多样且鲜艳的。

Colorful means having a variety of bright colors.

例句:The parade was a colorful display of costumes and floats.(是一场色彩缤纷的服装和花车展示。)

3. Diverse (daɪˈvɜrs):指多样的。

Diverse means having a variety of different things.

例句:The group consisted of people from diverse backgrounds.(这个团队由来自不同背景的人组成。)




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