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Meaning: The process of entering data into a computer or other electronic device for storage, processing, or transmission.

How to read: [ˈdætə ˈentri]

Usage: Data entry is an essential task in any organization that deals with large amounts of information. It involves accurately and efficiently inputting data into a computer system, such as names, addresses, numbers, or other types of information.


Example Sentences:

1. The company hired several data entry clerks to input customer information into their database.


2. The data entry process is tedious but crucial for maintaining accurate records.


3. She was responsible for data entry at the hospital and had to ensure all patient records were correctly entered.


4. The new software has greatly improved the speed and accuracy of our data entry tasks.


5. He was hired as a temporary employee to help with the busy season's data entry workload.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Data input - This term can be used interchangeably with data entry.

2. Data encoding - Another term for inputting data into a computer system.

3. Typing - This refers to the physical act of using a keyboard to enter data.

4. Data capture - This term is often used in reference to scanning or capturing data from physical documents.

5. Keypunching - An outdated term for manually entering data using a keypunch machine.

Editor's Summary:

Data entry is a crucial task in today's digital age, and it involves accurately and efficiently inputting data into a computer system. It is essential for maintaining accurate records and ensuring the smooth operation of any organization that deals with large amounts of information. Synonyms such as data input, data encoding, typing, data capture, and keypunching can be used interchangeably with data entry. With the advancement of technology, the process of data entry has become more streamlined and efficient, making it an integral part of many industries.


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