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Expand Horizons

How to pronounce: /ɪkˈspænd həˈraɪzənz/



1. To broaden one's perspective or understanding of a particular subject or ic.

2. To explore new ideas, concepts, or opportunities.

Example Sentences:

1. Traveling to different countries is a great way to expand horizons and learn about different cultures.

2. Reading books from various genres can help expand your horizons and open your mind to new ideas.

3. As a language learner, it's important to constantly expand your horizons by practicing with native speakers.

4. The company aims to expand its horizons by entering new markets and diversifying its products.

5. Joining a study abroad program is an excellent opportunity for students to expand their horizons and gain valuable international experience.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Broaden one's outlook/perspective/horizon - These phrases have similar meanings and can be used interchangeably with "expand horizons".

2. Explore new frontiers - This phrase is often used in a more adventurous or pioneering context, such as exploring uncharted territories or pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

3. Push/extend the boundaries - This phrase is commonly used in a figurative sense, meaning to go beyond what is currently known or accepted.

4. Open up new possibilities - This phrase emphasizes the idea of discovering new opportunities or potential outcomes.

5. See things from a different angle/perspective - This phrase focuses on changing one's viewpoint or way of thinking.

Editor's Summary:

Expanding horizons refers to the act of broadening one's understanding, experiences, or opportunities in order to gain a broader perspective on life. It involves being open-minded, curious, and willing to explore new ideas and concepts. By expanding our horizons, we can continuously learn and grow as individuals while also gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us.


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