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Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings. It encompasses various elements such as aesthetics, functionality, safety, and sustainability. Architects are professionals who are trained in the field of architecture and are responsible for creating designs that meet the needs and requirements of their clients.



1. The architecture of this building is truly magnificent. (这座建筑的设计真是壮观。)

2. She studied architecture at one of the universities in the country. (她在该国顶尖大学学习建筑。)

3. The city is known for its unique blend of modern and traditional architecture. (这座城市以其独特的现代与传统建筑融合而闻名。)

4. The architect presented his design proposal to the client for approval. (建筑师向客户提出了他的设计方案以供批准。)

5. The new museum showcases some of the most iconic works of contemporary architecture. (这座新博物馆展示了一些当代建筑中最具标志性的作品。)


- Building: A structure with walls and a roof used for shelter or storage.

- Example: The building was constructed using sustainable materials.

- Construction: The process or method of building something.

- Example: This project requires careful planning and construction.

- Design: The act or process of planning or creating something.

- Example: The design of this house is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

- Structure: Something that has been built or constructed, such as a building or bridge.

- Example: The structure of this building is supported by steel beams.


Architecture is a vital aspect of our daily lives, as it shapes the way we live, work, and interact with our surroundings. It combines creativity and technical knowledge to create functional and visually appealing structures. As the world continues to evolve, the field of architecture also evolves to meet the changing needs and challenges of society.


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