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1. Word: Abundance

Pronunciation: /əˈbʌndəns/


Meaning: A large quantity of something.

Usage: Used to describe a large amount or supply of something.


1. The abundance of food at the party was overwhelming.

2. The abundance of natural resources in this country is astounding.

3. The abundance of love in her heart is evident in her actions.

4. The farmer's market was filled with an abundance of fresh produce.

5. The ocean is home to an abundance of different species.

Synonyms: Plenty, copiousness, profusion, plethora.

Editor's Summary: Abundance refers to a plentiful or ample amount of something. It can be used to describe a physical quantity, such as food or resources, or more abstract concepts like love or opportunities. Synonyms for abundance include plenty, copiousness, profusion, and plethora.


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