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The meaning of "幼稚用英语怎么说" in English is "how to say childish in English".


[ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ] (IPA)





1. She always acts so childish, even though she is already 25 years old. 她总是表现得很幼稚,尽管她已经25岁了。

2. Don't be so childish, you need to take responsibility for your own actions. 别这么幼稚了,你需要对自己的行为负责。

3. He has a very childish sense of humor, always making silly jokes. 他有着非常幼稚的幽默感,总是讲些愚蠢的笑话。

4. The children's behavior was quite childish, but it was expected at their age. 孩子们的行为相当幼稚,但这在他们这个年龄段是可以理解的。

5. It's time for you to grow up and s acting so childish all the time. 是时候让你长大了,别总是表现得那么幼稚了。


1. Immature (adj.): not fully developed physically or emotionally; lacking maturity.

Example: His behavior is very immature for someone his age.

2. Childlike (adj.): having the qualities of a child; innocent and naive.

Example: Her childlike innocence was endearing to everyone she met.

3. Naive (adj.): showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment; innocent and trusting.

Example: He was too naive to realize that he was being taken advantage of.

4. Innocent (adj.): not guilty of a crime or offense; free from moral wrong; naive and lacking knowledge or understanding.

Example: She has an innocent charm that makes everyone around her smile.

5. Juvenile (adj.): relating to young people who are not yet adults; immature and childish in behavior.

Example: His juvenile antics were entertaining at first, but they quickly became annoying.




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