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The meaning of "幻觉用英语怎么说" in English is "How to say illusion in English".


"How to say illusion in English" is pronounced as [ɪˈluːʒən] in British English and [ɪˈluːʒən] in American English.



"Illusion" is a noun that refers to a false or misleading impression, perception, or belief. It can also refer to a deceptive appearance or image. It is often used to describe something that appears real but is actually not.


1. She was under the illusion that she could win the race.


2. The magician created an illusion of disappearing into thin air.


3. Don't be fooled by the illusions of fame and fortune.


4. The painting gives the illusion of depth.


5. His perfect performance on stage was just an illusion; he was actually struggling with personal issues.



1. Delusion - a false belief or opinion, often involving a misinterpretation of reality.

2. Mirage - an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, making distant objects appear distorted or displaced.

3. Hallucination - a perception of something that is not present, often due to a mental disorder or drug use.

4. Deception - an act of trickery or fraud, often involving the deliberate misleading of others.

5. Apparition - a gly or supernatural appearance that is believed to be real but is actually not.


"Illusion" is a commonly used word in English that refers to a false perception or belief. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a magic trick, an optical phenomenon, or even one's own mistaken thoughts. It is important to distinguish between illusion and reality to avoid being deceived. Other words with similar meanings include delusion, mirage, hallucination, deception, and apparition. As an editor and translator for a dictionary, it is crucial to provide accurate and clear definitions for words like "illusion" to help readers understand their usage and avoid confusion.


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