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mayor's wife [ˈmeɪəz waɪf]



例句1:The mayor's wife is a well-respected figure in our city, known for her charitable work and dedication to improving the lives of its citizens. (我们城市的夫人备受尊敬,以她的慈善工作和致力于改善居民生活而闻名。)

例句2:The mayor's wife ed a charity gala last night to raise funds for the local children's hospital. (昨晚,夫人主持了一场慈善晚宴,为当地儿童医院筹集资金。)

例句3:As the mayor's wife, she has been actively involved in various community projects and has made a significant impact on the city. (作为夫人,她积极参与各种社区项目,并对城市产生了重大影响。)

例句4:The mayor's wife is known for her elegant style and impeccable manners, making her a role model for many young women in the city. (夫人以优雅的风格和完美的举止而闻名,在城市里成为许多年轻女性的榜样。)

例句5:The mayor's wife will be attending the opening ceremony of the new community center tomorrow. (夫人将出席明天新社区中心的开幕式。)

同义词及用法:夫人的同义词包括mayoress [ˈmeɪərɪs]和mayor's lady [ˈmeɪəz ˈleɪdi],但这两个词的使用频率较低。另外,也可以用first lady [fɜrst ˈleɪdi]来指代夫人,但这个词更常用于指美国的妻子。

编辑总结:夫人是指的妻子,在市政事务和社会活动中扮演重要角色。她通常会参与各种活动,出席各种场合,并为城市做出积极贡献。在正式场合,可以用mayor's wife来称呼她,也可以用mayoress或者mayor's lady来表示尊重。


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