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1. Word: Harmony


Pronunciation: /ˈhɑːməni/

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: A state of peaceful coexistence and agreement between people or things.

Usage: Harmony is often used to describe a situation where different elements or individuals are in agreement and working together smoothly.

Example Sentences:

1. The members of the band were in perfect harmony, each playing their own instrument to create a beautiful melody.

2. The key to a successful team is harmony among its members, with everyone working towards a common goal.

3. The couple's relationship was filled with love and harmony, never having any major disagreements.

4. The garden was a picture of harmony, with different types of flowers and plants complementing each other perfectly.

5. The country strives for religious harmony, promoting tolerance and understanding among different faiths.

Synonyms: Agreement, concord, unity, cooperation

Editor's Summary:

Harmony refers to a state of peaceful coexistence and agreement between people or things. It is often used to describe situations where different elements are in agreement and working together smoothly. It can also refer to relationships or environments that are free from conflict or discord. Synonyms for harmony include agreement, concord, unity, and cooperation.


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