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Meaning: How to say in English


Pronunciation: /haʊ tə seɪ ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to know the equivalent or translation of a word or phrase in English.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you tell me how to say "hello" in English?


2. I'm not sure how to say this in English, could you help me?


3. My friend is learning Chinese, so I often have to think about how to say things in English for her.


4. The app has a feature where you can click on a word and it will show you how to say it in English.


5. The teacher asked us to write our names on the board and then say them in English.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Translate - This word refers specifically to the act of converting words from one language to another, while "how to say" can refer more broadly to any form of expression.

2. Equivalent - This word can be used interchangeably with "how to say" when referring to finding an equivalent word or phrase in another language.

3. Interpret - This word also refers specifically to translating or explaining the meaning of something, but can also be used more broadly to mean understanding or explaining something in general.

4. Render - This word can be used to mean translating, but also has a more literary connotation and can refer to expressing something in a particular way.

5. Paraphrase - This word means to express something using different words while retaining the original meaning, and is often used when translating idiomatic expressions.

Editor's Summary:

When someone wants to know how to say something in English, they are asking for the equivalent or translation of a word or phrase. This phrase is commonly used when communicating with non-native English speakers or when learning a new language. Synonyms for "how to say" include translate, equivalent, interpret, render, and paraphrase.


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