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Meaning: A simplified version of the English language that is used by people with limited English proficiency or by children.

Pronunciation: /smɔːl ˈjæŋgwɪdʒ/

Usage: Small language is a simplified form of English that is used to communicate with people who have limited knowledge of the language. It is also commonly used by young children who are still learning to speak.


Example Sentences:

1. My grandmother only speaks small language, so I have to use simple words and phrases to communicate with her.


2. The teacher used small language to explain the lesson to the young students.


3. When traveling in a foreign country, it's helpful to know some small language phrases to communicate with locals.


4. The book is written in small language, making it easy for beginners to understand.


5. My daughter is still learning how to speak, so she often uses small language words instead of proper English.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Basic English - Similar to small language, basic English is a simplified version of the language that is used for communication purposes.

2. Simple English - Another term for small language, simple English is used to refer to the simplified form of the language that is easy for non-native speakers to understand.

3. Easy English - This is another synonym for small language and refers to the simplified form of English that is used by people with limited knowledge of the language.

Editor's Summary:

Small language, also known as basic or simple English, is a simplified version of the language that is used by people with limited knowledge of English or by young children who are still learning to speak. It is a useful tool for communication and can be easily understood by non-native speakers.


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