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The meaning of "小样" in English is "sample" or "specimen".


The pronunciation of "小样" is [xiǎo yàng].


"小样" is commonly used as a noun in Chinese, referring to a small amount or portion of something that is given as a sample or used for testing.


1. 这家餐厅提供免费的食物小样,让顾客可以先尝尝味道再决定点什么。

This restaurant offers free food samples for customers to taste before deciding what to order.

2. 我们需要准备一些产品小样,以便在上展示给客户。

We need to prepare some product samples to showcase to clients at the meeting.

3. 医生要求我提供一些体液小样进行检测。

The doctor asked me to provide some bodily fluid specimens for testing.

4. 你可以去柜台要一些护肤品的小样试试看,然后再决定是否购买。

You can go to the counter and ask for some skincare product samples to try before deciding whether to buy them.

5. 这本书只是作者写作风格的一个小样,你应该读完整本书才能真正了解他的思想。

This book is just a sample of the author's writing style, you should read the whole book to truly understand his thoughts.


1. 样品 (yàng pǐn) - sample, specimen

2. 试样 (shì yàng) - test sample, trial specimen

3. 试用品 (shì yòng pǐn) - trial product, sample for trial use

4. 免费样品 (miǎn fèi yàng pǐn) - free sample

5. 实物示范 (shí wù shì fàn) - physical demonstration, live sample


"小样" is a commonly used term in Chinese to describe a small amount or portion of something that is given as a sample or used for testing. It can be used in various contexts such as food, products, and medical testing. Other synonyms for "小样" include 样品, 试样, 试用品, 免费样品, and 实物示范. As a language model AI, I have provided the most accurate and natural translation for "小样" in English to help readers understand its meaning and usage better.


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