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Definition: a standardized form of written or spoken language, used for official or formal communication.

Pronunciation: /dɪˈfɪnɪʃ(ə)n/

Usage: The term "定型的英文" refers to a specific set of rules and conventions used in the English language for formal communication. This includes grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and style.


Example Sentences:

1. The company requires all employees to use定型的英文 in their official emails.


2. The contract was written in定型的英文 to ensure clarity and precision.


3. It is important to follow定型的英文 when writing academic papers.


4. The use of定型的英文 is necessary when communicating with international clients.


5. The students were taught how to write a formal letter using定型的英文.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Standard English - This term is often used interchangeably with 定型的英文 and refers to the standard form of English used in formal contexts.

2. Formal English - Similar to 定型的英文, this term is used for language that follows specific rules and conventions for professional or official communication.

3. Academic English - This refers to the style of writing used in academic settings, which follows strict rules and conventions.

4. Official English - This term is used to describe the language used in government or official documents, which must adhere to specific standards.

5. Proper English - This term can be used to describe 定型的英文 as it refers to the correct or appropriate form of English used in formal communication.

Editor's Summary:

定型的英文 is a term that describes the standardized form of English used for official or formal communication. It includes grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and style and is necessary for clear and precise communication. Other terms that can be used interchangeably with 定型的英文 include Standard English, Formal English, Academic English, Official English, and Proper English. As a language editor or translator, it is important to have a strong understanding of 定型的英文 in order to ensure accurate and professional communication.


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