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Dictionary is a reference book that contains an alphabetical list of words with information about them, such as definitions, pronunciations, and etymologies. It is used for finding the meanings of words and for reference in spelling, usage, and pronunciation.



1. Could you please look up the definition of this word in the dictionary? 请你能否在字典里查一下这个词的定义?

2. I always keep a dictionary on my desk for quick reference. 我总是把一本字典放在桌子上方便快速参考。

3. The new edition of this dictionary includes updated definitions and additional entries. 这本字典的新版包含了更新的定义和额外的词条。

4. The dictionary has an index at the back which makes it easier to find specific words. 这本字典在后面有一个索引,可以更容易地找到特定的单词。

5. She consulted several dictionaries to find the correct spelling of the word. 她查阅了几本字典来找到这个单词的正确拼写。


1. Thesaurus (noun): a book that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts.

Example: She used a thesaurus to find a more precise word for her essay.

2. Lexicon (noun): a specialized vocabulary used in a particular field or subject.

Example: This medical lexicon contains all the technical terms used in the field of medicine.

3. Glossary (noun): an alphabetical list of terms and their definitions, usually found at the end of a book.

Example: The glossary at the end of the textbook helped the students understand the technical terms.

4. Vocabulary (noun): a collection of words used in a particular language or by a particular person or group.

Example: His extensive vocabulary allowed him to express himself eloquently.

5. Thesaurus (verb): to search for synonyms or related words in a thesaurus.

Example: She often uses her computer to thesaurus words when writing essays.




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