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One: How to write the meaning of "妩媚" in English

Two: Pronunciation: /wǔ mèi/

Three: Usage: "妩媚" is an adjective that describes someone or something as charming, alluring, and seductive in a subtle and graceful way. It can also be used to describe a person's demeanor or behavior as flirtatious and coquettish.


Four: Examples:


She exudes a charm of elegance and seductiveness with every move she makes.

2. 她的眼神充满了妩媚,让人不禁心动。

Her eyes are full of allure, making people unable to resist.

3. 她的笑容充满了妩媚,让人感受到无穷的诱惑。

Her smile is full of coquettishness, making people feel endless temptation.

4. 她的舞姿轻盈优雅,散发出迷人的妩媚气息。

Her dance moves are graceful and exude a charming allure.

5. 她用一种独特的语调说话,充满了柔情和妩媚。

She speaks with a unique tone, full of tenderness and seductiveness.

Five: Synonyms and usage:

1. 魅惑 (mèi huò): This word also means charm or allure, but it has a stronger connotation of being irresistible and captivating.

2. 娇媚 (jiāo mèi): This word is used to describe a woman's appearance or demeanor as gentle, delicate, and charming.

3. 娴静 (xián jìng): It means elegant and refined, with a sense of grace and charm.

4. 姿态 (zī tài): This word refers to someone's posture or mannerism, but it can also be used to describe someone's alluring and seductive demeanor.

5. 妖媚 (yāo mèi): This word has a negative connotation and is often used to describe someone who is overly seductive and flirtatious.

Six: Editor's summary:

"妩媚" is a versatile adjective that can be used to describe someone or something as charming, alluring, and seductive in a subtle and graceful way. It can also be used to describe behavior or demeanor as flirtatious and coquettish. Other synonyms such as "魅惑", "娇媚", "娴静", "姿态", and "妖媚" have similar meanings but may have different nuances. When using "妩媚" in writing, it is important to consider the context and tone to accurately convey its meaning.


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