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Wonderful Things

[ˈwʌndərfəl] [θɪŋz]

Noun. Plural form of "wonderful thing".


1. 妙人妙事 (miao3 ren2 miao4 shi4) - Wonderful things.

2. 妙 (miao4) - Wonderful; marvelous; amazing.

3. 人 (ren2) - Person; people.

4. 妙事 (miao4 shi4) - Wonderful event or occurrence.

Example Sentences:

1. She always has a way of making even the most mundane tasks seem like wonderful things.


2. The new art exhibit is filled with wonderful things that will leave you in awe.


3. He has a knack for finding the silver lining in every situation and turning it into a wonderful thing.


4. The children's laughter and innocent joy were truly wonderful things to witness.


5. The book is full of stories about ordinary people who have done extraordinary things, proving that anyone can be capable of wonderful things.



1. Amazing things

2. Marvelous occurrences

3. Extraordinary events

4. Miraculous happenings

5. Astonishing feats

Usage: "Wonderful things" can refer to anything that is amazing, marvelous, or extraordinary. It can be used to describe events, occurrences, objects, or people.

Editor's Summary:

"妙人妙事" is a Chinese phrase that translates to "wonderful things" in English. It refers to anything that is amazing, marvelous, or extraordinary. This word can be used to describe events, occurrences, objects, or people and is often used in a positive and uplifting context. The use of synonyms such as "amazing things", "marvelous occurrences", and "extraordinary events" can help add variety and depth to your writing when using this word. Remember to use it in the plural form as "wonderful things". Overall, this word captures the essence of all the incredible and awe-inspiring moments in life that make it truly worth living.


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