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Ma Zu



/mɑː zuː/


Ma Zu is a Chinese goddess who is worshiped by many people in southern China, especially in Fujian and Taiwan. She is believed to be the protector of fishermen and sailors, and her birthday is celebrated on the 23rd day of the third lunar month.


1. According to legend, Ma Zu was born on Meizhou Island in Fujian Province.


2. Many people make pilgrimages to Ma Zu's temple to pray for safety at sea.


3. Ma Zu is also known as the "Queen of Heaven" and has temples dedicated to her all over Asia.


4. The annual Ma Zu Cultural Festival attracts thousands of visitors to Meizhou Island.


5. In Taiwan, Ma Zu's birthday is a national holiday and is celebrated with parades and religious ceremonies.



- Goddess of the Sea: This is another title for Ma Zu, emphasizing her role as the protector of sailors and fishermen.

- Mazuism: This is the name for the religion that worships Ma Zu as a deity. It is a blend of Taoism, Buddhism, and folk beliefs.

- Sea Goddess Temple: This is the name for temples dedicated to Ma Zu, often found in coastal areas where fishing and sailing are important industries.


Ma Zu is a highly revered goddess in Chinese culture, particularly among those who live near the sea. She is believed to have supernatural powers that protect sailors and fishermen from harm. Her story and influence have spread beyond China to other parts of Asia, making her a widely recognized figure in popular culture. As an editor, it is important to accurately convey Ma Zu's significance and role in Chinese mythology while also providing relevant information for readers who may not be familiar with her.


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