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1. 她的新剧作获得广泛宣传. (Tā de xīn jù zuò huò dé guǎng fàn xuān chuán.)

Her new play received widespread publicity.


2. 怎么读(音标)(Zěn me dú (yīn biāo))

Pronunciation: /hər nuː pleɪ rɪˈsiːvd waɪdspred pʊbˈlɪsəti/

3. 用法 (Yòngfǎ)

Usage: This phrase is used to describe the success and popularity of a new play or production.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照 (Lìjù 1-5 jù qiě zhōng yīng duìzhào)

Example Sentences:

a) 她的新剧作获得广泛宣传,吸引了众多观众前来观看。(Tā de xīn jù zuò huò dé guǎng fàn xuān chuán, xīyǐn le zhòng duō guān zhòng qián lái guānkàn.)

Her new play received widespread publicity and attracted many audience members to come and watch.

b) 这部新剧作在社交媒体上引起了轰动,获得了大量关注。(Zhè bù xīn jù zuò zài shèjiāo méitǐ shàng yǐn qǐ le hōngdòng, huò dé le dàliàng guānzhù.)

This new play caused a sensation on social media and received a lot of attention.

c) 由于她的新剧作获得广泛宣传,票房销售量大幅增加。(Yóu yú tā de xīn jù zuò huò dé guǎng fàn xuān chuán, piào fáng xiāoshòu liàng dà fú zēng jiā.)

Due to the widespread publicity of her new play, ticket sales increased significantly.

d) 虽然这是她的第一部剧作,但却获得了广泛宣传和好评。(Suīrán zhè shì tā de dì yī bù jù zuò, dàn què huò dé le guǎng fàn xuān chuán hé hǎo píng.)

Although this is her first play, it received widespread publicity and positive reviews.

e) 她的新剧作在国际舞台上也获得了广泛宣传,受到了各国观众的欢迎。(Tā de xīn jù zuò zài guójì wǔtái shàng yě huò dé le guǎng fàn xuān chuán, shòu dào le gè guó guānzhòng de huānyíng.)

Her new play also received widespread publicity on the international stage and was well-received by audiences from different countries.

5. 同义词及用法 (Tóngyìcí jí yòngfǎ)

Synonyms and Usage:

a) 广为宣传 (Guǎng wèi xuān chuán) - widely publicized

b) 大肆宣传 (Dà sì xuān chuán) - heavily promoted

c) 受到关注 (Shòu dào guānzhù) - received attention

d) 成功宣传 (Chénggōng xuān chuán) - successful promotion

e) 受到好评 (Shòu dào hǎo píng) - received positive reviews

6. 编辑总结 (Biānjí zǒngjié)

Editor's Summary:

This phrase is commonly used to describe the success and popularity of a new play or production, indicating that it has received widespread publicity and attention. It can also be used to describe the impact of a play on social media or its international reception. Synonyms such as "widely publicized" and "heavily promoted" can also be used to convey a similar meaning.


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