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Foundation Ceremony

读音:[faʊnˈdeɪʃən ˈsɛrəməni]

用法:Foundation Ceremony是指为某个建筑物、组织或团体正式奠基的仪式。通常由重要的官员、或主持,标志着一个新的开始和未来的希望。


例句1:The foundation ceremony for the new school building was held last week, with the mayor and local officials in attendance. (上周举行了新校舍的奠基典礼,和当地官员出席了仪式。)

例句2:The foundation ceremony of the charity organization was a grand event, with many celebrities and philanthropists present to show their support. (慈善组织的奠基典礼是一场盛大的活动,许多名人和慈善家都出席了以示支持。)

例句3:The foundation ceremony of the company's new headquarters was a milestone in its history, marking its growth and expansion into new markets. (公司新总部的奠基典礼是其历史上的里程碑,标志着其在新市场上的成长和扩张。)

例句4:The foundation ceremony of the hospital was a solemn occasion, as it represented the beginning of a place where lives would be saved and healed. (医院的奠基典礼是一个庄严的场合,因为它着一个能够挽救和治愈生命的地方的开始。)

例句5:The foundation ceremony of the monument was a tribute to the sacrifices and contributions of those who fought for their country's independence. (的奠基典礼是对为独立而战的人们所作出的牺牲和贡献的致敬。)

同义词及用法:其他可以替代Foundation Ceremony的词语包括Groundbreaking Ceremony、Laying the Foundation Ceremony、Cornerstone Laying Ceremony等。它们都指同样的仪式,只是表达方式不同。

编辑总结:Foundation Ceremony是一个具有重要意义和象征性意义的仪式,它标志着一个新的开始和未来的希望。它可以用于各种场合,如建筑物、组织或团体的奠基仪式,也可以用于或纪念活动等。同时,它也有多种同义词可供选择,但都指向同样的含义。


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