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1. 失荣的英文: Disgraceful


2. 怎么读(音标): [dɪsˈɡreɪsfʊl]

3. 用法: 形容词,表示令人感到羞耻、丢脸的,与荣誉相反。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. His behavior at the party was disgraceful. (他在派对上的行为令人感到羞耻。)

2. The politician's scandal brought disgrace upon his entire family. (这位家的丑闻给他整个家庭带来了耻辱。)

3. It is disgraceful to cheat on an exam. (考试作弊是可耻的。)

4. She felt deeply ashamed and disgraced by her son's actions. (她对儿子的行为感到深深地羞愧和失望。)

5. The company's unethical practices have brought them great disgrace in the eyes of the public. (公司的不道德做法使他们在公众眼中蒙上了极大的耻辱。)

5. 同义词及用法:

1. Shameful: 表示令人感到羞愧、惭愧的,与荣誉相反。

- He was caught stealing from his employer, which was a shameful act.

- The team's performance was shameful and they were heavily criticized.

2. Disreputable: 表示不名誉的、声誉不好的,与荣誉相反。

- The company has a disreputable history of mistreating its employees.

- His disreputable past makes it difficult for him to find a job.

3. Dishonorable: 表示不光彩的、不道德的,与荣誉相反。

- The politician was accused of dishonorable conduct during his time in office.

- Cheating on a test is a dishonorable act and will not be tolerated.

6. 编辑总结: 失荣一词常用来形容令人感到羞耻、丢脸的行为或,与荣誉相反。它可以用来描述个人的行为、组织或公司的做法,也可以用来指责家或公众人物的不光彩举动。在写作中,我们可以使用其他同义词来避免重复使用,同时也要注意使用场景和语境。


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