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The meaning of Dayan Pagoda in English is "Wild Goose Pagoda".


The pronunciation of Dayan Pagoda is /ˈdaɪən pəˈɡəʊdə/.



Dayan Pagoda is a famous ancient pagoda located in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. It was built during the Tang Dynasty and is one of the most well-preserved Buddhist pagodas in China. It was originally built to store Buddhist scriptures brought from India by the monk Xuanzang.


1. 大雁塔是一座历史悠久的佛塔,它见证了古代文化的发展。

Dayan Pagoda is a historic Buddhist pagoda that has witnessed the development of ancient Chinese culture.

2. 大雁塔内有数以万计的精美佛像和佛经,吸引了无数游客前来参观。

The interior of Dayan Pagoda houses thousands of exquisite Buddhist statues and scriptures, attracting countless visitors to come and visit.

3. 大雁塔每天都会举行法会,让人们更加了解文化。

Buddhist ceremonies are held at Dayan Pagoda every day, allowing people to gain a deeper understanding of Buddhist culture.

4. 从大雁塔顶部俯瞰西安城市景观,令人心旷神怡。

Looking down at the cityscape of Xi'an from the of Dayan Pagoda is a breathtaking experience.

5. 大雁塔是一座具有重要历史意义的建筑,被列入世界文化遗产名录。

Dayan Pagoda is an important historical building and has been listed as a World Heritage Site.


1. 西安大雁塔 (Xi'an Dayan Pagoda)

2. 长安大雁塔 (Chang'an Dayan Pagoda)

3. 大唐大雁塔 (Datang Dayan Pagoda)


Dayan Pagoda, also known as Wild Goose Pagoda, is a historic Buddhist pagoda located in Xi'an, China. It was built during the Tang Dynasty and is one of the most well-preserved Buddhist pagodas in China. With its rich history and cultural significance, it has become a popular tourist attraction for visitors from all over the world.


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