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Meaning: Approximately English


How to pronounce: /əˈprɒksɪmətli ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

Usage: Used to describe something that is close to a certain standard or expectation, but not exactly the same.

Example sentences:

1. The translation is only approximately English, so some nuances may be lost in the process. (这篇翻译只是大致的英文,所以可能会有一些细微差别在翻译过程中丢失。)

2. The new product is approximately English, but with a few added features to cater to the local market. (这款新产品大致上是英文,但是为了迎合本地市场加入了一些特色功能。)

3. The teacher's pronunciation is approximately English, but his accent gives away his French origin. (老师的发音大致上是英文,但是他的口音透露出他来自法国。)

4. This book is approximately English, so it can be used as a reference for beginners learning the language. (这本书大致上是英文,所以可以作为初学者学习该语言的参考书。)

5. The translation of this novel is only approximately English, but it still captures the essence of the original story. (这部小说的翻译只是大致上的英文,但仍然捕捉到了原著故事的精髓。)

Synonyms and Usage:

- Roughly: Used to express an approximation or estimate.

Example sentence: The translation is roughly English, so some details may be lost in the process. (这篇翻译大概是英文,所以可能会在翻译过程中丢失一些细节。)

- Almost: Used to describe something that is very close to a certain standard or expectation.

Example sentence: The translation is almost English, with just a few minor differences. (这篇翻译几乎是英文,只有一些细微的差别。)

- Nearly: Used to express a small difference or deviation from a certain standard.

Example sentence: The translation is nearly English, but there are still some phrases that need to be adjusted. (这篇翻译几乎是英文,但仍然有一些需要调整的短语。)

Editor's summary:

Approximately English is often used to describe something that is close to a certain standard or expectation, but not exactly the same. It can also be used as a synonym for other words such as roughly, almost, and nearly. As an editor, it's important to ensure that translations are as accurate as possible while also considering the cultural nuances and local market needs.


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