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1. 大智若愚,大巧若拙. (dà zhì ruò yú, dà qiǎo ruò zhuō.)

Pronunciation: /dɑː ʒiː ruː jʊ, dɑː tʃaʊ ruː zwoʊ/



- To possess great wisdom while appearing foolish.

- To achieve great skill through seemingly clumsy or awkward actions.


This phrase is often used to describe someone who may seem unassuming or unskilled, but actually possesses a great amount of intelligence and talent.

Example sentences:

1. Despite his humble appearance, the old man was known for his wisdom and was often referred to as "大智若愚."


2. The artist's paintings may seem simple, but they are a perfect example of "大巧若拙."



- 聪明反被聪明误 (cōng míng fǎn bèi cōng míng wù)

- 聪明过头聪明不好 (cōng míng guò tóu cōng míng bù hǎo)

These phrases also describe the idea of possessing too much intelligence that it becomes a hindrance.

Editor's note:

The phrase "大智若愚,大巧若拙." is often used to emphasize the importance of humility and simplicity in achieving great things. It reminds us that sometimes, appearing foolish or clumsy can actually lead to unexpected success.


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