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táng jí hēi dé

noun. Tang Jihedi, a famous fictional character in Spanish literature, who is known for his chivalrous and idealistic adventures.



Tang Jihedi is often used to describe a person who is idealistic and has a strong sense of justice, but also tends to be unrealistic and impractical.

Example Sentences:

1. Tang Jihedi's unwavering belief in chivalry and his quest for justice often led him into dangerous and absurd situations.


2. The young man saw himself as a modern-day Tang Jihedi, always ready to fight for what he believed was right.


3. Like Tang Jihedi, she refused to compromise her principles even when faced with overwhelming odds.


4. His friends often joked that he was more like Don Quixote than Tang Jihedi, with his wild ideas and impractical plans.


5. The politician's idealistic speeches and promises made him seem like a modern-day Tang Jihedi, but his actions often fell short of his words.



1. Don Quixote - another famous fictional character known for his chivalrous and idealistic adventures.

2. Knight-errant - a medieval term for a wandering knight who goes on quests and adventures.

3. Idealist - someone who has high moral principles and believes in the pursuit of perfection.

4. Dreamer - someone with unrealistic or impractical ideas or plans.

5. Crusader - someone who is passionate about a cause or belief and fights for it relentlessly.

Editor's Summary:

Tang Jihedi is a well-known character in Spanish literature, famous for his chivalrous and idealistic adventures. The name is often used to describe someone who has strong principles and a sense of justice, but can also be seen as unrealistic or impractical. Other similar terms include Don Quixote, knight-errant, idealist, dreamer, and crusader.


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