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"Together" is an adverb that means in or into one place, with each other, or at the same time.





"Together" is used to describe things that are in a group or united, or events that are happening simultaneously. It can also be used to describe the relationship between people who are close and supportive of each other.


1. We went to the park together. (我们一起去了公园。)

2. The students worked together on the project. (学生们一起合作完成了这个项目。)

3. The concert was sold out, so we had to sit together in the front row. (音乐会门票已售罄,所以我们只能坐在前排一起观看。)

4. Let's put our heads together and come up with a solution. (让我们集思广益,想出一个解决方案。)

5. They have been together for 10 years and their love only grows stronger. (他们已经在一起十年了,他们的爱只会变得更强大。)


- Jointly: meaning "together" in a cooperative manner.

- Simultaneously: meaning "at the same time."

- In unison: meaning "in perfect agreement or harmony."


"Together" is a versatile word that can be used to describe physical proximity, collaboration, and unity among people or things. It is a common word that is easy to understand and use in everyday conversation. Other words with similar meanings can also be used to add variety and depth to writing.


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