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international perspective


/ˌɪntəˈnæʃənəl pərˈspektɪv/


International perspective refers to the ability to view and understand issues from a global or cross-cultural point of view. It involves having an open-minded and inclusive approach towards different cultures, values, and perspectives.



1. A person with an international perspective is able to navigate through diverse cultural contexts and communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds.


2. In today's globalized world, having an international perspective is becoming increasingly important for businesses to succeed in the international market.


3. Studying abroad can greatly enhance one's international perspective by exposing them to different cultures, languages, and ways of thinking.


4. As a global leader, it is crucial to have an international perspective in order to understand the complexities of the world and make informed decisions that can positively impact different communities.


5. The international perspective of the United Nations allows for collaboration and cooperation among nations to address global issues such as climate change and human rights.



- Global perspective: Similar to international perspective, it refers to the ability to understand and analyze issues from a global point of view.

- Cross-cultural perspective: This term specifically focuses on understanding and appreciating different cultures and their impact on society.

- Multicultural perspective: This refers to the ability to recognize and value the diversity of cultures within a society or organization.


International perspective is an essential skill in today's interconnected world. It allows individuals to understand and appreciate different cultures, values, and perspectives, which is crucial for effective communication and decision-making. By developing an international perspective, one can become a global citizen who can contribute positively towards creating a more inclusive and understanding world.


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