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国威的英文是"national prestige",读作/næʃənəl ˈprestɪdʒ/。


例句1:The national prestige of China has been rising in recent years due to its rapid economic growth and increasing global influence. (近年来由于经济快速增长和全球影响力日益增强而国威上升。)


例句2:The national prestige of the United States has been declining in recent years due to its controversial foreign policies. (美国近年来由于其有争议的而国威下降。)

例句3:A country's national prestige is not solely determined by its economic or military power, but also by its cultural heritage and soft power. (一个的国威不仅仅取决于其经济或实力,还取决于其文化遗产和软实力。)

例句4:As a rising global power, India is striving to enhance its national prestige through various means, such as ing international events and expanding its soft power. (作为一个新兴的全球大国,印度正在努力通过各种手段提升其国威,如举办国际活动和扩大其软实力。)

例句5:The national prestige of a country can have a significant impact on its foreign relations and international standing. (一个的国威可以对其关系和国际地位产生重大影响。)


1. national status: 地位

2. international reputation: 国际声誉

3. global influence: 全球影响力

4. world standing: 世界地位

5. international prestige: 国际威望



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