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英文释义:Team spirit refers to the collective mindset and attitude of a group of individuals working together towards a common goal or objective.


音标:/tiːm ˈspɪrɪt/



Team spirit is often used to describe the dynamic and cooperative atmosphere within a team or group. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration, communication, and mutual support among team members in order to achieve success.


1. Our company's success is attributed to our strong team spirit, where everyone works together towards a shared vision. (我们公司的成功归功于我们强大的团队,每个人都为共同的愿景而努力。)

2. The coach emphasized the importance of team spirit and urged his players to support each other on and off the field. (教练强调了团队的重要性,并敦促球员在场上场下相互支持。)

3. A positive team spirit can lead to increased productivity, as well as a more enjoyable work environment for everyone. (积极的团队可以提高生产力,并为每个人营造更加愉快的工作环境。)

4. The lack of team spirit was evident in the project's failure, as there was no cooperation or communication among team members. (缺乏团队导致项目失败,因为团队成员之间缺乏合作和沟通。)

5. The team's strong bond and team spirit helped them overcome challenges and achieve their goal of winning the championship. (团队的紧密和团队帮助他们克服挑战,实现了赢得冠的目标。)


1. Teamwork (合作): emphasizes the importance of working together as a team towards a common goal.

2. Cohesion (凝聚力): refers to the unity and harmony within a group, often achieved through strong team spirit.

3. Camaraderie (同事情谊): highlights the friendship and mutual respect among team members, contributing to a positive team spirit.

4. Synergy (协同效应): describes the combined effort of a group that is greater than the sum of individual efforts, often achieved through good team spirit.

5. Collaboration (合作): similar to teamwork, it stresses the importance of working together towards a shared objective.


团队是团队成功的重要因素,它强调了团队成员之间的合作、沟通和相互支持,以实现共同的目标。通过建立良好的团队,可以提高生产力、改善工作环境,并帮助团队克服挑战,取得成功。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有许多其他词汇可以表达类似意思,如harmony(和谐)、unity(统一)、mutual support(相互支持)等。作为团队成员,我们应该时刻牢记团队的重要性,并积极营造一个良好的团队氛围,以实现共同的目标。


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