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[ver-ee-ey-shuh n]


1. the act or process of changing or altering something from its original form.

2. the state or condition of being different or diverse.

3. a different or distinct form, version, or interpretation of something.

4. a change in circumstances, conditions, or characteristics that results in differences.

5. a difference in opinion, belief, behavior, etc., among individuals or groups.

Variation is a noun that refers to the act, state, or result of being different from something else. It can also describe a change in circumstances or characteristics that leads to differences among individuals or groups.

1. Her cooking style is a variation of traditional Italian cuisine.


2. The weather forecast predicted variations in temperature throughout the week.


3. The artist's latest painting is a variation on his previous work.


4. There are many variations of this recipe depending on personal taste.


5. Cultural traditions can have variations within different regions.


Synonyms: difference, diversity, modification, deviation

Usage note: Variation is often used to describe differences between things that are similar but not identical. It can also refer to changes over time or in different situations. In scientific contexts, it may refer to mutations or genetic changes within a species.

Editor's summary: Variation is an important concept in understanding differences and changes in various aspects of life such as culture, language, and genetics. It is a versatile word that can be used to describe a wide range of differences and changes.


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